Recently I went to Bandung, Indonesia from 30th April to 3rd May with my lovely wife <>.
It was a group tour under the Club-i of my wife's working place.
Hectic activities with shopping but pleasant! Credit goes to the leader, Dr Hamim (President) with his Deputy, Shazmeer and not forgetting to the rest of the committee for the good itenary and of course great saving trip arrangement!
One thing that really admired me were the tourism industry in Indonesia.How their pemerintah and their people develop and taking care the tourist's shopping attraction centre beside the nature places they had.Their citizen's appreciation wearing 'batik' as their national dress (everyday worn by the tour guide - Anton).
I look forward to go to another cities in Indonesia besides Jakarta,Batam and Medan that I went years before.
Kapan ya?
waahhh..diam2, gi bulan madu kali keberapa ni..?
aku, ada member ajak pi bangkok. aku tk ikut.
pastu depa ajak pi phuket- dh 2 kali. pun aku tk ikut.
ni, depa ajak pi bali hujung tahun.
pun aku malas nk pi..
(sebenarnya, terdorong nak ikut.. tp 'sayang pitih' la..
hemm..sekali-sekala jika ada extra pitih ok lah. Kalu g jakarta naik KLM lagi murah.Aku rasa Bali menarik...kami pun plan nak ke sana gak...tapi not dekat Christmas.Takut BOM.hehehe